Arrangement “Banvallsleden”

When we moved into our yellow house almost 4 years ago to start a B&B in it, we did not yet know that Lidhult is located on a well-known cycling route. Because of the many cyclists who booked a room or came by spontaneously, we soon found out.

The “Banvallsleden” is a 250 km cycle ride from Halmstad to Karlshamn, across southern Sweden, from coast to coast. “Banvall” is the Swedish word for railway embankment. The route therefore follows for about 70% this railway embankment of 2 narrow tracks, opened at the end of 1800 and closed in 1970. This tour, unique in Sweden, takes you along a piece of Swedish railway history. But also because of the Småland nature of hedges, open fields and deep dark forests. In addition, you will encounter numerous sights such as old stations, bridges, etc. Along the way, the Banvallsleden crosses several other, shorter routes. The route is partly asphalted and partly over grus, a kind of crushed stone.

In Lidhult we live on the Stationsgatan next to the old “Stationshuset”, which is currently being lovingly restored to its former glory and then used as a village hall.

Time, we thought, to offer the ”Banvallsleden” package. And especially for guests who cycle the Banvallsleden.

The arrangement looks like this:

  • An overnight stay including breakfast in our Dalarna room;
  • The “Banvallspasta”, dinner consisting of a vegetarian pasta, salad, dessert and juice or a glass of wine or beer;
  • A lunch for the road consisting of a sandwich, wrap, fruit and something sweet.

In season, the salad comes from the garden, as well as the fruit for dessert.

Costs: 800 kr for 1 guest on the bike and 1,100 kr for 2 guests on the bike.

For reservations or to see if there is any place, please contact us. You can do this by calling +46 73-630 25 28, or by sending a message to

A warm welcome in our B&B Mooi Gula Huset!!!!

Breakfast at Mooi Gula Huset


We are always busy preparing and serving a fine breakfast but never actually take the time to capture this. It’s nice that our guests do and we can now also show our breakfast:
– home made muesli of roasted nuts and oatmeal
– homemade sesame seed and moonseed rolls (or lant bröd)
– home made jam (this time raspberries and strawberries)
– cheese and ham from companies from the surroundings
– and of course coffee, tea, juices and fruits
All served on our hand-painted tableware.

Njut av din måltid!!!!

Meanwhile, the well at the house has also been restored. The wood had perished in such a way that very little could be reused. But the well belongs to the house and we have rebuilt it. Now the water level here is still low, but soon it will be full of water again!!!!

Minivärlden Ljungby


On Monday, for the first time in weeks, we had time to be “tourists”. And since we had heard from a neighbour that our house can already be seen in “Minivärlden“, we wanted to see this ourselves.

In this small museum they build old railway routes and we live at the Stationsgatan so…… The whole is based on the collection of a doctor from Ljungby who left it to the Kommun, municipality, upon his death. This doctor built in the basement of his house miles of railway lines, equipped with everything that is around those railway. In order to preserve it a museum was built around it.

It was very nice to see our house in mini format with all it’s details. Coincidentally, whoever built it and who also kept us informed of the whole process, walked around and with him we had a nice conversation.

It’s special to see with how much love and passion the railways are built, everything drives and here and there you can press a button and a cow is starting to eat, a little man is chopping wood or a boat floats over the lake. The railway lines have all been closed down, but now restored in honour in this small museum.

It was also funny to see the old furniture from Lidhult’s station building complete with a ticket seller who does his story in 3 languages.

Our house is already there, together with the station building and the former hotel on the corner of our street, the rest still has to grow around it.

Outdoor cooking

Mooi Gula Huset Outdoor Cooking

Special guests in our B&B, delicious summer weather and therefore time to cook and eat outside. For this occasion we chose a classic Swedish dish with tender pieces of meat, baked potatoes, caramelised onions and a creamy mustard sauce: Biff Rydberg. This recipe was first made in Stockholm in the 19th century Hotel Rydberg (now closed). This is really a dish that is eaten in Sweden later in the evening, for example at weddings, with pickled cucumbers and raw egg yolks. But certainly also very tasteful on a summer evening. We definitely keep it in!!!!

Mooi Gula Huset Outdoor Cooking Biff Rydberg

The town of Lidhult has no restaurants. That’s why we offer our guests a meal. Sometimes something simple and nutritious, sometimes slightly more extensive, but so far always with great appreciation.


At the kitchen table with Catarina Johansson, journalist of Smålänningen daily newspaper, talking about our dream Mooi Gula Huset and Mooi Inredning yielded a page-sized article about our steps in Sweden, Lidhult, and many warm reactions!!!!!

Artikel Mooi in Smalinningen
Artikel in Smalinningen over Mooi Gula Huset en Mooi Inredning