Minivärlden Ljungby

On Monday, for the first time in weeks, we had time to be “tourists”. And since we had heard from a neighbour that our house can already be seen in “Minivärlden“, we wanted to see this ourselves.

In this small museum they build old railway routes and we live at the Stationsgatan so…… The whole is based on the collection of a doctor from Ljungby who left it to the Kommun, municipality, upon his death. This doctor built in the basement of his house miles of railway lines, equipped with everything that is around those railway. In order to preserve it a museum was built around it.

It was very nice to see our house in mini format with all it’s details. Coincidentally, whoever built it and who also kept us informed of the whole process, walked around and with him we had a nice conversation.

It’s special to see with how much love and passion the railways are built, everything drives and here and there you can press a button and a cow is starting to eat, a little man is chopping wood or a boat floats over the lake. The railway lines have all been closed down, but now restored in honour in this small museum.

It was also funny to see the old furniture from Lidhult’s station building complete with a ticket seller who does his story in 3 languages.

Our house is already there, together with the station building and the former hotel on the corner of our street, the rest still has to grow around it.