Mooi news

Arrangement “Banvallsleden”

Arrangement “Banvallsleden”

When we moved into our yellow house almost 4 years ago to start a B&B in it, we did not...
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Breakfast at Mooi Gula Huset

Breakfast at Mooi Gula Huset

We are always busy preparing and serving a fine breakfast but never actually take the time to capture this. It's...
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Minivärlden Ljungby

Minivärlden Ljungby

On Monday, for the first time in weeks, we had time to be "tourists". And since we had heard from...
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Outdoor cooking

Outdoor cooking

Special guests in our B&B, delicious summer weather and therefore time to cook and eat outside. For this occasion we...
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At the kitchen table with Catarina Johansson, journalist of Smålänningen daily newspaper, talking about our dream Mooi Gula Huset and...
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What does “hult” mean

What does “hult” mean

Almost 2 years ago we visited the yellow house in Lidhult for the first time. After our first visit we...
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A special cat. For 2 years he has been travelling to Sweden without any problems and just as cheerfully back...
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